Michelle earned her Master of Social Work in 1997 from Arizona State University, and in 2011, her Master of Education in Human Resource Development from the University of Illinois. The majority of Michelle’s work experience has been with people diagnosed with dementia, either in their homes or in memory care facilities. Michelle Cornelius-Toft is currently the Director of Memory Care Programs at Cypress HomeCare Solutions in Phoenix, Arizona, and a Program Specialist for Honor Care Network out of San Francisco, California. She is a public speaker at national conferences and provides consulting services to help others implement dementia programs within their own organization. At Cypress HomeCare Solutions and Honor Care Network, she has implemented a dementia training program for their caregivers, a family support and education program for the family members of those diagnosed, and provides public educational sessions. Michelle has been a volunteer for the Alzheimer’s Association since 2013 as a support group facilitator, a member of their Speaker’s Bureau, and a member of the Alzheimer’s Impact Movement. She is a member of the State of Arizona Alzheimer’s Task force and a volunteer for the Dementia Friendly Arizona movement.